Love your Liver!

(Inspired by Chris Kesser) What comes to mind for you when you hear the word “superfood”? Do you think of fancy, exotic fruits like acai, chlorella, or greens powder? Pomegranate? Green tea? Garlic? All of those foods are certainly good choices and may even be worthy of the “superfood” label. But what about liver? I’ll [...]

Vitamin D deficiency is the ultimate root cause

Nine (!!!) out of 10 people that I've tested in my practice are at least 40% under an optimal Vitamin D level of 150 nmol/L. The Provincial Government has decreed our Family Doctors and Specialists to accept 70 nmol/L as "normal" even though this is based on VERY outdated science. On top of that the [...]

Individualized Nutrition

After "What is a naturopathic doctor?" the next most common question I get from new acquaintances is "What is the ideal diet?", no one likes the answer. It starts with a basis of Michael Pollan's Food Rules:   Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants. It's only in the details things get less simple but [...]

IBS – One Term, Multiple Causes

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects near 20% of Canadians, and it wrecks havoc with a person's quality of life. It is a label affixed to a cluster of symptoms with no identifiable pathological cause. A pathological cause is one where tissues are altered/damaged and able to be visualized with laboratory testing. IBS instead points to a disfunction [...]

By |2018-01-02T10:23:02-04:00May 31st, 2017|Digestive Wellness|0 Comments
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