Easy ways to incorporate Green Leafy Vegetables

A recent perspective analysis published in the December issue of Journal of Neurology found that as little as ONE serving of greens slowed cognitive decline with aging. Food is information and greens are some of our most vital, life-giving foods and this vitality translates directly into a better quality of life with aging. If greens [...]

By |2018-02-19T13:50:20-04:00February 19th, 2018|Epigenetics, Nutritional Advice|0 Comments

Vitamin D deficiency is the ultimate root cause

Nine (!!!) out of 10 people that I've tested in my practice are at least 40% under an optimal Vitamin D level of 150 nmol/L. The Provincial Government has decreed our Family Doctors and Specialists to accept 70 nmol/L as "normal" even though this is based on VERY outdated science. On top of that the [...]

Individualized Nutrition

After "What is a naturopathic doctor?" the next most common question I get from new acquaintances is "What is the ideal diet?", no one likes the answer. It starts with a basis of Michael Pollan's Food Rules:   Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants. It's only in the details things get less simple but [...]

Eating to promote calm…

Anxiety is crippling a large portion of our population, some estimates put over 3 million Canadians struggling with some form of anxiety most days (over 1 in 10 people!) From the Canadian Mental Health Association: We all feel nervous or worried at times. This anxiety can be a helpful feeling when it motivates us or [...]

Folic Acid is NOT Folate

This hour-long video from Dr. Ben Lynch, ND may be the most important medical-related information you will view all year. Please watch, ESPECIALLY if you have been told your folate is either too low OR too high on bloodwork, you've had an abnormal PAP smear, high cancer rate in the family, chronic anemia/ferritin or are [...]

By |2017-03-10T05:45:13-04:00January 9th, 2017|Epigenetics|0 Comments
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