Nine (!!!) out of 10 people that I’ve tested in my practice are at least 40% under an optimal Vitamin D level of 150 nmol/L.
The Provincial Government has decreed our Family Doctors and Specialists to accept 70 nmol/L as “normal” even though this is based on VERY outdated science. On top of that the government has declared “no testing is needed-all Nova Scotians are deficient- tell them all to take 1000 IU/day”. Yet ALL Scientific Literature confirms 1000 IU/day is only able to bring 2% of the population to ideal levels. The rest of us need much more, especially darker skinned individuals and those afflicted with a chronic disease. How will we know we are in the ideal zone if we don’t test?
When Vitamin D is deficient a multitude of body systems go out of whack as our body readies for winter hibernation. No sun=winter to your ancient biology. Your gut bacteria (microbiome) favour species that encourage frugal calorie spending causing weight storage and slackened metabolism. Without Vitamin D the change of bacterial populations coupled with decreased motility can be the major cause of IBS and SIBO (Small intestine bowel overgrowth). The immune system is unable to make antibacterial proteins and every body process makes more inflammation. This creates an impossible soup in which to fend off cold and flu viruses but is the perfect combination for autoimmune disease, allergies and asthma.
What about cancer? The plague that seems to affect every family in Nova Scotia…Cancer starts as a rogue cell that will not stop dividing- using up all available resources and destroying the tissues that it surrounds. In studies of cancer cells and tumors in mice, vitamin D has been found to have several activities that may slow or prevent the development of cancer, including promoting cellular differentiation, decreasing cancer cell growth, stimulating cell death (apoptosis), and reducing tumor blood vessel formation (angiogenesis).
Vitamin D is also needed to fend off diabetes. Through effects on glucose homeostasis and a direct effect of vitamin D on the β-cell function of the pancreas, and thus insulin secretion. (Alvarez JA, Ashraf A. Int J Endocrinol 2010;2010:351–385)
More specifically the lack of daily year-round sunshine (impossible in Canada with weather, seasons and latitude) puts not only your seasonal rhythm out of whack but your daily rhythm as well. This is potenially the #1 cause of sleeping problems. Obstructive Sleep Apnea, early waking, frequent waking, pain/stiffness on waking, snoring, sleeptalking/sleepwalking and lack of dreaming can all be tracked to a functional Vitamin D deficiency. Shouldn’t this be ruled out first before $$ CPAP machines, and hypnotic/addictive sleep medications are used? Wouldn’t that save the taxpayers a lot of money in the long run versus a $40 test? Proper sleep is vital to healing, growth and repair.
Without Vitamin D the body is unable to use calcium properly. Instead of blood calcium going to the bones and teeth it will be deposited in the arteries (heart disease) and ligaments (bone spurs).
Over 5000 Nova Scotians die of four types of chronic diseases every year: cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. Sixty four percent of all deaths in Nova Scotia are attributable to these diseases. (Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation)
Chronic disease is crippling the Nova Scotian Health Care system. Chasing symptoms while ignoring a basic human biological need that directly addresses the top four (arguably) preventable deaths is tragic.