Fitter in Just 30 Minutes A Week!

Sounds like a new diet and exercise book doesn't it? A fad-filled, science-light, "Eat This, Not That" way of duping you into spending another hard-earned twenty dollars on the latest craze. But wait! It's science! McMaster University researchers have found that a single minute (total) of very intense exercise (SIT) produces health benefits similar to [...]

By |2017-04-25T08:04:14-03:00April 25th, 2017|Fitness/Movement|0 Comments

What the heck are sulphites?

Sulfur dioxide and other so-called sulfiting agents in foods and drugs may cause severe allergic reactions in susceptible individuals, especially asthmatics. “Sulphites” is a generic term for a group of compounds including sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium and potassium bisulfite, and sodium and potassium metabisulfite. You may be sulphite-sensitive and not even know it! Individuals [...]

By |2017-04-08T13:59:00-03:00April 17th, 2017|Nutritional Advice|0 Comments

Naturopathic First Aid Kit

Part of being a good health care practitioner is empowering my patients to take care of themselves and their families. Natural remedies are often the best first line of care for the bumps, bruises and hiccups of our daily lives. Accidents and viruses happen but early interventions can reduce the length of time we have [...]

By |2017-04-08T13:21:27-03:00April 11th, 2017|Botanical Medicine, Pediatrics|0 Comments

Eating to promote calm…

Anxiety is crippling a large portion of our population, some estimates put over 3 million Canadians struggling with some form of anxiety most days (over 1 in 10 people!) From the Canadian Mental Health Association: We all feel nervous or worried at times. This anxiety can be a helpful feeling when it motivates us or [...]

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