Sandra’s Blog
Teas are for the whole family!
Herbal Infusions with a little sweetening from maple syrup or honey is a great way to introduce both nutrients and gentle, effective medicine. Most are easy to prepare with 1 tsp dried/1tbsp fresh herbs per cup of hot water. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Good for general tummy aches, is relaxing and hot water extracts have [...]
I am an Ally!
The health and health care needs of LGBTQ2+ persons are affected by a number of social, behavioural, and structural factors including deep-rooted stigma and discrimination and health insurance policy. A limited body of literature documents a number of health issues that disproportionately affect sexual minorities including mental health issues, substance use, and tobacco use. From [...]
Medicine’s Gender Bias
It is not hard to find the negative bias towards females in medicine. Diagnoses such as Cervical INCOMPETENCE, FAILURE to progress (in labour), Premature Ovarian FAILURE, and others. Yet, what is failure to achieve penile engorgement deemed? ED: a "dysfunction". There is also the undervaluing of patient instinct, routine complete hysterectomies (which if called [...]

2526 Poplar Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3L 2y8
Street parking is available on the east side of Poplar Street, additionally patients are also invited to use the driveway spots when available.

T: (902) 431-5276