It is not hard to find the negative bias towards females in medicine. Diagnoses such as Cervical INCOMPETENCE, FAILURE to progress (in labour), Premature Ovarian FAILURE, and others. Yet, what is failure to achieve penile engorgement deemed? ED: a “dysfunction”. There is also the undervaluing of patient instinct, routine complete hysterectomies (which if called full castration- which it is, may not be utilized so readily for every gynaecological complaint), female subjects being left out of primary disease/condition research due to their “complicated physiology” and a complete lack of understanding of heart disease and women though they are now dying more often then men (from cardiovascular disease) that add to a worrying state of affairs.
It is not a conincidence that the primary utilizers of Naturopathic Medicine are women and that women make up the majority of practitioners of that medicine. NDs are trained to treat each person as the whole being they are, and each woman (and man) is the expert of their own body. Subjective symptoms need not be dismissed and any feelings of less-than health deserve attention.