Sandra’s Blog
Naturopathic First Aid Kit
Part of being a good health care practitioner is empowering my patients to take care of themselves and their families. Natural remedies are often the best first line of care for the bumps, bruises and hiccups of our daily lives. Accidents and viruses happen but early interventions can reduce the length of time we have [...]
Eating to promote calm…
Anxiety is crippling a large portion of our population, some estimates put over 3 million Canadians struggling with some form of anxiety most days (over 1 in 10 people!) From the Canadian Mental Health Association: We all feel nervous or worried at times. This anxiety can be a helpful feeling when it motivates us or [...]
The World Wide Breast Cancer foundation is an amazing force using the power of design to create images that educate, and empower men and women across the globe about the signs of breast cancer and it is working across barriers of literacy, taboo and fear. After splashing onto the world stage with their wonderful "Signs of [...]
Another way Grandma was right
Cooking with offal (off-cut meats) is super important for your health. Hear me out! I've often asked myself what is different about our modern times versus previous generations? Why do I see such profound differences with simple vitamin supplements in the face of our supposed "over-nourished" culture. I am increasingly convinced it is the lack [...]
Quick and Easy Fish Stew
Haddock stew for dinner tonight. Macrobiotic, gluten-free, dairy-free, quick, economical, nourishing, full of phytoestrogens and antioxidants! Recipe from "Cooking The Whole Foods Way": 2 tsp EVOO 2 small leeks, rinsed well and sliced thinly sea salt 2 tbsp dried basil 2 cups diced turnip 1 cup diced rutabaga 1/2-1 cup sliced carrot 3 cups plain [...]
Folic Acid is NOT Folate
This hour-long video from Dr. Ben Lynch, ND may be the most important medical-related information you will view all year. Please watch, ESPECIALLY if you have been told your folate is either too low OR too high on bloodwork, you've had an abnormal PAP smear, high cancer rate in the family, chronic anemia/ferritin or are [...]
Do you Diva?
Just came across this wonderful review from the sweet home of the best menstrual cups available. Their eco-friendliness and money saving virtue is what leads most people to choose them but as your health practitioner I highly recommend them for other reasons! When tampons are used they not only absorb menstrual fluid but also the [...]
Your baby is NOT a bad sleeper!
I love helping families navigate the first year (or two!) of sleep for their little ones. There is so much bad information that has made its way into our cultural norms. I consider it my job to discover if there could be an issue blocking sleep for baby (colic, teething, reflux, hunger etc). If instead, [...]
Crispy Rice Squares
I am making these tomorrow with some puffed quinoa I've had in the cupboard for awhile! (recipe from THE HEALTHY GOURMET on OWN Network) Ingredients 1 cup rice syrup 1/2 cup hazelnut butter 1/2 cup tahini 1/4 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract 4 cups crispy brown rice cereal 2/3 cup raw or [...]
What the heck is “Gluten Removed” Beer?
Wait...what? Gluten Remove Beer? What does that mean? My inquiring mind wanted to know and what I've found out has me concerned for anyone suffering an immune-mediated reaction to gluten (Celiac Disease). Like lactose-added Lacteeze milk, brewers have simply added an enzyme targeted at the breakdown of the gluten/gliadin molecule to beer made from gluten [...]

2526 Poplar Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3L 2y8
Street parking is available on the east side of Poplar Street, additionally patients are also invited to use the driveway spots when available.

T: (902) 431-5276