This hour-long video from Dr. Ben Lynch, ND may be the most important medical-related information you will view all year. Please watch, ESPECIALLY if you have been told your folate is either too low OR too high on bloodwork, you’ve had an abnormal PAP smear, high cancer rate in the family, chronic anemia/ferritin or are experiencing infertility/miscarriage
My clinic only carries B Complexes/Multivitamins/Prenatal Vitamins with food-form, fully methylated forms of both folate and B12, this video will explain why.

Take aways:

  • Folic acid is NOT THE SAME as folate
  • The body requires FOLATE to repair DNA, produce energy from food and recycle neurotransmitters NOT Folic Acid.
  • One study found that 96% of people eating enriched flour products (cereal/breads/crackers, energy bars) had unmetabolized Folic Acid in their blood because humans are poor processors of synthetic folic acid. (Note- all studies showing folic acid benefits were done in rats who CAN convert folic acid to folate).
  • Unmetabolized folic acid is detrimental to our health.
  • Folate is a vitamin found only in real food (pulses/beans and especially FOLIAGE!).
  • Most important when dealing with differing genetic needs is Reducing Stress On The System ie. eating right (mostly plants), taking vacations, managing stress, movement daily and lots of exposure to dirt and nature!