Part of being a good health care practitioner is empowering my patients to take care of themselves and their families. Natural remedies are often the best first line of care for the bumps, bruises and hiccups of our daily lives. Accidents and viruses happen but early interventions can reduce the length of time we have to suffer and be slowed down! A good naturopathic first aid kit is an essential part of a healthy home.
Top Remedies in a Naturopathic First Aid Kit:
- Aloe Vera gel (plant or additive-free lotion) for burns and scrapes, skin rashes and irritation
- Calendula Salve/cream for cuts/scrapes, ease scarring, and treat rashes
- Arnica 6X, 12X or 30CH (pellets or liquid) can lessen bruising/swelling if taken immediately
- Ginger (fresh, dried or cystallized) ease stomach upset, prevent motion sickness, ease a fever
- Chamomile (dried) reduce stress, support sleep, antibacterial (topically). A cooled (previously brewed) chamomile teabag can soothe irritated skin or a swollen and hot joint
- Echinacea tincture or Elderberry Syrup to reduce viral illnesses, best taken at the beginning of an illness to lessen the duration
- Slippery Elm Losenges ease laryngitis, sore throats, and cure mild heartburn symptoms
- Peppermint Essential Oil or Tea Tree as Digestive aids, relieve gas, and as inhalants for headaches
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil Steam inhalation for sinuses/head cold
- Lavender Essential Oil sedative, headaches, wounds and burns
- Comfrey leaves or salve used externally for wound healing, rashes