As I was waiting at the airport recently I noticed a woman talking at length to a customer service person and emerging with a cup of hot water, 2 plastic knives and a handful of napkins. The knives were placed in the cup and she dipped napkins in the scalding water to wipe down the table while quipping to her son to back up from the table…The water was obviously bothering her fingers but she persisted. In my head I worried for her and a possible OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) condition, until I saw her pull out a sealed jar of Wow Butter, (the tree-nut, dairy, and soy-free peanut butter alternative), and noticed the EpiPen fanny pack her son was wearing.
Of course! Severe food allergies. If there were microscopic contaminants on the cutlery or table the scalding water would denature them to the point her son’s immune system would no longer react to them.
I was struck with compassion for the amount of diligence this family must have to exert each and every day to protect their son. As NDs we are taught to work alongside our bodily systems and severe allergies demonstrate just how powerful the body can be.
As a side note- I confirmed my assessment when my right eye began to swell, a piece of pollen had touched the sclera (surface) of my eyeball. As I had no remedies on me and the airport/airline did not have antihistamine eyedrops I introduced myself to the lovely lady, mentioned I’d noticed they were a family dealing with severe allergies and asked if she had Benadryl I could use for my flight. She confirmed yes to all. Her son struggles with severe allergies to soy, tree nuts, peanuts, eggs and dairy. Oh my. I was humbled by her strength.
She and other parents/persons dealing with life-threatening allergies are in my thoughts today.